Vostok Games recently released the European Open Beta of Survarium. Join in the fun and S.T.A.L.K.E.R-realm fun!
{below....from survarium.com}
"Currently the Survarium Open-Beta contains two variations of PVP mode: Team Deathmatch and Battery Retrieval.
The game is available in Russian, Ukrainian, English, German and Polish. In the near future we plan to localize the game into other European languages. We’d also like to note that the transition of the game to the stage of Open-Beta in Europe does not mean the end of project development; on the contrary, we plan to further develop Survarium and introduce lots of new features, including the long-awaited FreePlay (PvE) mode."
Version details for Version 0.26a - 0.26f
- Added a new game mode Team Death-match (TDM)
- Added a new mechanic to the leveling of the game character. At the moment only shooting and physical training branches are available
- Added support for multiple equipment profiles and the ability to change the sets of equipment in battle, while the character is dead
- Added melee kill missions for all factions
- Added weapon stopping power mechanics. The stopping power depends on type of weapon and ammunition
- Maximum portable weight increased up to 30kg;speed penalty now begins from 20kg
- Now when a leg is wounded, the player receives a penalty to movement speed - 10%, with the broken leg - 20%
- Battery chargers are physical objects now. They react to shots and can be pushed
- Added physical collision detection between players of different teams
- Increased the number of re-spawn locations on all maps for TDM mode;
- The number of points in Team Deathmatch reduced to 100 on all locations except Tarakanovsky Fort and Cologne Bridge;
- Removed damage from the water on the Vostok Radar Station;
- Significantly revised TDM mode, players now appear in their bases when re-spawning;
Equipment and weapons:
- Prices for equipment upgrade now depends on the level of equipment
- 9x39 SP-5 ammo: level of equipment changed from 14 to 12;
- 7.62x54 7N1 is on sale at the Renaissance Army store on the 7th level of reputation (Captain);
- Significantly reduced the damage of all weapons at a distance;
- Mosin rifle, armour-piercing reduced from 50 to 35, and damage from 110 to 100;
- Armor-piercing bonus for 7.32x39 increased to +20%
- Reduced dispersion for all weapons
Independent traders:
- Mosin Carbine: armor-piercing increased to 50
- PPSh, TT-33: armor-piercing increased to 25
- VSS “Vintorez”, SR3M "Vihr": armor-piercing increased to 30
- AK-74N: damage increased to 50, armor-piercing to 30
- PP-19-01 "Vityaz": damage increased to 40, armor-piercing to 20
- After the battle players can find the SOCOM rifle (12 level equipment);
- OTS-02 "Kiparis", PM: armor-piercing increased to 20
- TOZ-122, Remington 700: armor-piercing increased to 45
Black market:
- AKS-74U: damage increased to 50, armor-piercing to 30
- UZI: damage increased to 40, armor-piercing to 20
- Winchester 1894: damage increased to 100, armor-piercing to 40
The Fringe Settlers:
- SCS: armor increased to 40
- APS: damage reduced to 35, armor increased to 20
- Vepr, RPK: damage increased to 50, armor-piercing to 30
- UMP-45: damage increased to 55, armor-piercing to 25
- SV-98: damage reduced to 120, armor-piercing increased to 50, set the sight 1P69 "Hyperon"
- Set "Keeper": armor is reduced to 70
- 9A-91, VSK-94: armor-piercing increased to 30
- Added to the Shop: PP-2000 (9 level equipment), automatic ASH-12 (15 level equipment), sniper rifle VSSK (15 level equipment);
The Renaissance Army:
- Fort 17: damage reduced to 35, armor-piercing increased to 20
- AKM, RPD: armor-piercing increased to 40
- SR-2M: damage increased to 40, armor-piercing to 25
- AK-74M, A-545: damage increased to 50, armor-piercing to 30
- Kit “Hammer-UM2”: armor reduced to 75
- Added to the Shop: AK-12 (15 level equipment) and SVD sniper rifle (12 level equipment);
- Added a few extra passages/bypasses to Tarakanovsky Fort
User Interface:
- Most of the elements of interface redesigned
- In the description of a weapon we've added the display of the speed of transition into the aiming mode
- Added display of empty containers for artifacts in battle
- Changed the statistics screen at the end of the battle, added more detailed information about obtained experience, reputation, money
- Fixed the display of the clan team;
- Redesigned clan window;
- Fixed displaying of chance to find the object in the victory screen;
- Fixed displaying time of repair;
- Added links in the game client to video tutorials for beginners;
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that caused spontaneous double shot
- Performance optimization
- Fixed a critical bug that caused a crash in the lobby
- Fixed a critical bug that caused a crash of game servers
- Fixed a critical bug that caused crash on Vector Laboratory Location
- Fixed render error which led to frequent game crashes during the battle;
- Fixed some synchronization errors.
- Fixed many lighting bugs on all locations;
- Added tutorial which offers rewards when completed;
- Fixed a visual bug in the displaying of decals;
- Fixed a bug allowing the player to take pp2000 as one-handed weapon;
- Optimization of the game interface giving boost to performance in battle;
- Fixed installer, causing the inability to install the game client