So I have been running the Windows 10 Preview on my Surface Pro 2 since its been available. I have liked it very much and have encountered no problems. Last night in preparation for the final release, I reset my copy of Windows to have a fresh install to update over. I used the built in reset in Windows and have done this several times and never had a problem.
This time I did have a problem, however. It BSOD'd after install and says Inaccessable_Boot_Device and loops over and over. I have booted from USB on here before so I just threw the Preview on a bootable USB and went to try that. The Surface wont boot from USB. It wont even get me to the menu that gives me the options to try. I know how its done, hold Vol Down, press power, release Vol Down when Surface Logo appears, then it goes to boot options. But it doesn't. It just continues to try and boot windows, hits the BSOD, and loops again.
I am at a loss of what to do, and I am hoping someone here has great advice for me, you have all been so helpful in the past. Thank you!