Superlux HD668B or Audio Technica ATHAD500X


I am going to the USA soon, and as both of these headphones are fairly cheap, I would like you guys opinion on which is the best buy?



I would like to try the super opennes of the Audio Technicas, as I have only ever tried closed headphones.



the ad500x is the superior pair of headphones, however it is a bit more expensive everywhere I've seen it

Yeah, twice as expensive on amazon. I guess I will check my bugdet when I am over there. :-)

It went on sale for like roughly 80 bucks like 2 months ago and lingered around that price range for 2/3 of January. You definitely missed a deal there since it's now hovering close to 100 bucks. I have 2 other, mid-fi heaphones (HE-400 & HD598) but I still think ATH-AD500X is a perfect sonic signature for my eardrums.