Ok, this might be an odd question, but here goes. I just received my Superlux 668Bs I ordered after watching the Headphones under $50 video with Tyler (amazing video btw). sadly I can't afford a DAC/AMP right now, but my friend gave me his old Yamaha RX-V371 receiver he just replaced, I am wondering if it makes sense to use this with my computer and these headphones. I really don't know much about audio, I'm in the process of testing the difference with using the receiver and just my build in motherboard audio. Also, right now the receiver is hooked up through the HDMI port on my GTX 470 (getting a 970 tomorrow). Is that gonna make a difference? should i get an optical cable and use the port on my mobo? any other suggestions?
Honestly I don't think that receiver has a headphone amp built in, I may be totally wrong but just from reading its specifications it seems like it's just a passthrough. If that is the case then the only room for change is detremental to your audio because it's subjecting that signal to more interference by putting it through the box. One way to look at it is like this: with the motherboards I/O audio there is minimal interference, but the front panel audio usually has some noticeable interference because you're subjecting your signal to pass through your computer that has a whole bunch of stuff going on and it messes up the signal. It would kind of be the same thing if that receiver is just a passthrough, which it seems to be.
Again I may be entirely wrong so I would say just do your tests and trust your ears. Good luck!
I don't personally have any experience with using receivers in this manner, but I have heard of people doing this...... only they did it with very hard to drive headphones. How it will do with the Superlux is a complete mystery to me. Whatever sounds better to your ears is the right choice. That said, the whole dac/amp thing is very much overstated it seems. There is no need to fret about getting a dac/amp. If the headphones sound good to you, then they sound good. A dac+amp might make it sound better to you, however it might not make a difference that you notice. What really matters is what makes you happy. If you like using the mobo output, then great. If you like teh receiver output, then great.
The emphasis on dacs and amps SHOULD be on higher end rigs. If you are going to spend hundreds of dollars on headphones, then you should really think about investing in a dac and amp. However, if you are just getting started, or money is tight, don't worry about it. You will be able to enjoy things just fine with your mobo's output in all likelihood.
P.s. This is coming from a guy currently listening to a Q701 through an E17, with an O2 on the way. I know the benefits that each component will give a rig, and I know that headphones are the most important part, but more important than all of it is how happy you are. People always forget that. You don't NEED anything if you are content. If you WANT more, then there is always a hole to through your money into.