Alright, so I a am getting rediculously low frame rates and I cannot understand why. I play BF3 and watch my frame rates with FRAPS, and I literally get 10-25fps on all graphic settings but ultra. My average on "Medium" is 16fps, and on "Auto" is 13fps, on "High" I seem to stay around 14fps. I literally have no clue what to do. I have had my hardware performance monitors open during games and it seems my CPU stays around 65%, my GPU is only at 70% and my RAM staying around 3.2gb. So, with nothing at full load I cannot detect a bottleneck anywhere. My system is:
Intel Core2 Quad Q8300 2.5ghz
8gb Corsair Vengeance
PNY GTX 650 1gb
550w PSU
Now, I have ran tests to watch my voltages and everything seems fairly stable, I don't have lots of random spikes or anything. Also, I have looked up multiple videos of people with GTX650 playing BF3 just fine, there are a few where guys with intel i3-3220 get upwards of 50fps on all high settings. I am just looking to run the game but even on low I cannot get over 25fps. I do not have any cap on for fps, all my drivers are up to date, and with that being said I am at a loss. If my system is honestly just that bad then I guess I just have to stop gaming until I can upgrade in October,but I would think I could run something.
PS: Power Saving mode is off, I set my system to performance just to see if that helped, nothing though.
FPS in other games for comparison: Blops II on medium-48fps average
Crysis 2 on medium-36fps average