Hello everyone of Tek Syndicate. I need help with a dirt cheap PC, like Logan's Cheap Ass rig he built a year ago. I am looking for a PC to play entry level games (Prison Architect, Democracy 3, Sim City etc.) at 720p on medium or low quality. Any help on parts or anything is greatly appreciated. This is also my first ever build. I plan then to buy more parts later and scavenge some parts from this rig, such as the power supply and hard drive, so please don't skimp out on those. Thank you to whoever can help.
Go buy a barebones kit. It will be more power than you want. Like something with an apu.
Really depends on what your definition of "cheap" is. Give us a number, please.
Buy used components from reputable sellers. My current rig is sub $500, and will play Crysis 3 at 1080 with medium to high settings and low filters, it will also play games like Skyrim and Dark Souls at 1080 with mods at reasonable framerates (>30 fps) It also does wonderfully for things like Borderlands 2 and DMC at 1080 with framerates around 60 fps.
I would recommend a motherboard that is PCI-e 2.0 compatible, as I'm not certain that mine is.
Sorry, cheap as in 200 dollars, super super cheap
i recommend you to high your budget to 500 or 600 and buy a decent PC, because for that budget you will just get crap
Welcome to playing nothing at any resolution. Seriously. You should try to save at least $400, also known as the price of the PS4, to spend building a console killer. Do that, and you will have a lot more success.
you can only go so cheap until you just get a pile of shit in a PC: i recommend you going with this £200/$300 Gaming PC i made a few weeks ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC_NJHwkJFY
Go out and buy a used machine. I did so for $225 and I played my Minecraft and TF2 at frames that blew away my crappy acer laptop(Intel HD 3000).
This was the cheapest i can do it is really good for the price and it fits perfect for your need and i really recommend to to rather spend $300 instead if you want it cheap. here is a $350 build:
permalinks in the top left of the pcpartpicker page please :P
oh sorry idk why it didnt work
APU $230 build:
$350 build:
also the $350 build will run any game 1080p like nothing
Thanks for all of the help
Lies, it will not. Feed it Crysis 3 and watch it weep on the first stage.
yup lol