there is a pretty cool marathon coming up tomorrow(SUNDAY) They are raising money for doctor without borders. Come and discuss and talk about what runs you might watch or what you think about these charity speedrun event. event site
I am looking forward to the tetris block , the tetris runs last marathons where amazing! Deus Ex ofc! Bio shock infinite is still a decent game maybe interesting to watch. Borderlands pre-sequel havent played it yet I still watch it. Metroid all the games are always interesting. bastion yeh I might! Earth worm jim yes because I played it as a kid. Unreal yes I will!! Fallout and Fallout3 mhmm mhmm! Doom? yes yes :D Tetris runs are really really cool!
and some others, I will try to have it running in the background as the ad proceeds go to more marathons, I might sub to the channel as it counts as a donations as i use Livestreamer now that I think about it :P
it's great that people give so much for a good cause and watch incredibly skilled players do their stuff while also explaining the intricacies of the game.
Yeah watching the Doom: Scythe one now. Watched the Sonic block yesterday too. I like GDQ bur good christ they need to drop Twitch. Man Twitch sucks so hard.
and get hardware that might actually be able to stream consistently. Seriously, frame drops that are not from the game but the stream, constant buffering ever few seconds that happen out of the blue and then never stop, FLASH! why flash, and just so many other problems.
Maybe one of these events will use Hitbox one day.
that is why I use livestreamer and VLC , the twitch player is a CPU hog and pretty shit overall, but it is a lot better using livestreamer, instead of there built in piece of cacca!!! :P