Hey, I'm a high school student from Bangladesh.
I want to start a tech company where we will review products, teach people about technology, solve tech problems, encourage people to use linux and lot more. It's more like level1tech and linustechtips combined.
I'm actually in a dilemma what I should name the company. It'd be really helpful if you guys can suggest me a name.
Gamer's Nexus
Hardware Unboxed
all pretty good names.
Bang Bang Tech Wang
You could use just about anything followed by .tech
Wendell is shilling the .tech domain names. They are pretty cheap.
For example, if your name is Pajeet, you could have pajeet.tech
Holy fuck kek
or maybe just bangin.tech
would certainly generate lots of traffic :)
kek.tech is already taken
Yeah, right!! I follow all of them!!
Thanks BTW!!!
I have my domain. I want to setup a company. So, I want a name relevant to tech, like my last companies name is TechNucleus. I want something like that.
Nah!!! I don't want bengali names. I'd like if the name is a bit "techy", you know what I'm saying.
"Technology is my Bitch," otherwise you can use, "Personal Computer's Only, Please." No charge. You're welcome.
I would say base the name off of some technology standard, because how can you get more of a techy name then "TechSAS". That's a bad name, I know but the idea to get the name could work.
Or a semi better one, "fiber".
Or "diskette"
Or "toring"