Stupid question - how do I keep my user accounts sync'd between Windows and Linux?

there are not separate pieces, they are stacked pieces. for AD DC to function it must reside on DNS. this is OS independent.

OMG WtH… (DEEP BREATH) you should try reservations on a DHCP environment. it is less work and accomplishes the same thing. (and fits with DNS)

yeah, and trust me here, i have a fair amount of experience with linux bridges. but the kerberos key that passes through when attempting to join a device to a domain will not transition a linux bridge. i am sure there is a way to fix it, as NUTANIX is also a KVM Linux hypervisor and it is possible to get this functioning there. but i have never wanted to put in the effort to make it work on Proxmox when i always have more available NICs anyway.

yes, yes it does.

i thought i linked this, maybe it was elsewhere…

this is not exactly how i would handle the VLANS to DHCP, but it is good reading on the functionality at least.