I'm just gonna cut to the chase, I have applied to work as a junior web developer full time, I've been re-considering the whole university thing, mostly because of financial issues. Unlike the typical student, I have no social life, I can't afford one, I don't just go and blow my money, I even live at home because money is so tight. I don't want to go into too much detail about why money is tight, it's nothing stupid, it's just a bit personal, and it's not something I want to tell the world about either.
When I say I can't afford it, I mean if I keep going with the flow and not much changes, I'll probably have to take out an extension loan or even a bank loan. I don't like the thought of that one bit..... Again, I'm not going out partying and pi**ing my money & savings against the wall, I'm quite simply too poor for university at this moment in time. I also REALLY, REALLY, REALLLLLLYYYYYYY do not want to drop out of university, I mean it's only another year and I've basically finished this year already, I don't have to put much more effort in to pass the rest of this year.
Anyway, I'm in my second year of university, now in the ideal world where money isn't an issue, I'd keep doing my degree, finish it and then start working. But this isn't the ideal world, no s**t... I was wondering if it's possible to work a full time job 9-5 hours and study part time?
Also, if it is possible, how hard is it? - Keep in mind I don't exactly have much spare time as it is anyway, I mean when I have university, between work and travel, I normally get home any time between 8pm ~ 11pm. So spare time wouldn't be something I'd be sarcificing. I know it would take longer for me to be qualified, which isn't a nice thing to think about, but if I can work and study at the same time, then that would be the most ideal approach to my problem. But I don't know what part time studying is like, I don't know what sort of hours you study, I don't know how it works to be perfectly honest, etc.
Finally I'd like to ask for any advice. Has anyone been in my kinda situation? What have you or what would you guys do if you were in such a situation?
I put this under the blog category because I didn't know what category to put it under, this is a bit personal, and I doubt the majority can relate.