Hello all!
Further to my last thread where i was trying to revive a mobo, i've decided to go and get a new Haswell based system. (For gaming and light streaming)
First off, confirmed components:
CPU: I5-4690 (Non-K, best non overclocking CPU I can afford, the K versions are too expensive for me where i live. I also dont want to deal with win10/skylake issues)
GPU: Sapphire 7870 GHz Ed. (given by friend)
PSU: Coolermaster RS 650W (refurbished PSU i bought which has had no issues)
Ram: 8GB of any old decent 1600MHz i can pickup
Storage: A spare 2TB seagate, and a bunch of laptop 500GB/750GB drives
Case: I have... something...
Now for the motherboard... I've narrowed it down to the following:
1. Asus H97M-E
2. G1.Sniper B6
3. GA-H97-HD3
4. Asus B85M-Gamer/B85 Pro Gamer
My aprox budget is ~US$120, however the above is what I know is available and within budget (at HK conversion rates)
I doubt i will overclock any if at all (non-K cpu and all), and considering my financials, I'm after long term reliability over RAW UNRESTRAINED POWARH for like 5 minutes...
Also likely will never do crossfire. When a GPU upgrade is needed, ill just do a single new one.
I still remember my first desktop was an Asus P4B533 and it served me well for 10 years, and kept operational for 14 years. While I doubt i can get away with that anymore, thats kinda the benchmark I personally have. (In terms of the computer actually still booting and working)
Thanks for advice!