Street Fighter IV Benchmarker

Here it is

i have to say the game runs great on my 4870 and it looks way better than the 360 version.

Pre-loaded and ready to go!

now if only they release the damn game 1 day ahead of schedule

I might get the game if I can get a Japanese version I have the PS3 Japanese Version and I prefer the Japanese characters Names.

I already have it, just haven't installed it yet. Lol.

The games has been around in the torrent sites for about 5 days now LOL.

I got 32fps on an 1680x1050 resolution and all maxed out, I can't wait for my 4850 to get in.

I have the 4850, and it plays it brilliant, my 'average' fps in the benchmark was 88, that's with 8x AA, 16xAF everything maxed.