Streaming desktop to smart tv on linux over ethernet

Hi, been a long time since posting, I’m having an issue with streaming media from my linux pc to my smart tv. Without any wireless I am restricted to using plex or other shoddily implemented standards to stream files. The issue is there is no Linux implementation of miracast that functions over Ethernet or streaming across the network. Microsoft has MS-MICE which allows for this exact feature. If you know of any implementations on linux of miracast which functions across the network that’d be most appreciated.

Now on a bit more of a tangent, how hard do you think it would be to implement this in effectively a clean room setting given the heavy MS documentation of their protocol? Or more specifically for an ambitious beginning C programmer to cut his teeth with a first large project?

Looking for a Linux program that can stream my desktop to my smart tv across the network.

I personally use the Steam Link app if I ever want to stream my desktop to my TV. For other media I just resort to whichever DLNA server works for the situation, mostly rygel which is tightly integrated into GNOME.

Besides the above mentioned rygel. you can use VLC to stream media from your PC to the TV.

There are other things like plex, xbmce, and etc to do that as well.

If you put a Linux box on your smart TV, even something very basic, you can do x11 forwarding over SSH to launch any graphical program on your main computer and have it rendered on the client. This would work for Minecraft etc.

ffmpeg could probably stream to rtmp and then you could open the rtmp stream on a VLC app on the smart TV

The issue is that it’s a Roku, no vlc support sadly. Part of the reason I specified miracast, thanks though

This is what I was looking for, DLNA that doesn’t suck on Linux, I’ll reply with my results.

I was thinking about that, but for the time being it would be easier to just work with what I have. That would be ideal, but right now the best solution is on software

VLC has been addressed, but the ffmpeg was what I was thinking along. That being said there’s more efficient ways to record a screen than ffmpeg that I’ve seen that are web based. iirc the more efficient screen sharing is something rtmp based

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I’ll accept being halfway helpful. That’s better than most days