I’ve watched Wendell’s video on the old Tek Syndicate channel about how they set up BeerGamesBeer and TeamPGP streaming. They basically use a dedicated machine that all the broadcasters connect to, that then uses OBS to split up all of their streams, while staying on one twitch channel.
My girlfriend and I are trying to get in to twitch streaming together on the same account just like TeamPGP does, but with the two of us. The only problem is my current setup is limited, I have no way of building a server in the place I’m staying at.
My girlfriend’s PC is across from mine, about 5 feet away in the same room. I was wondering if it was somehow possible to channel her stream through ethernet or some other connection to my OBS stream on my PC, then split them up and broadcast from there, skipping the need for a server since I’m only processing two streams.
Is there a better way to connect her stream feed to my OBS locally? I’ve looked all over google but found nothing other than Wendell’s video any help would be greatly appreciated.
You don’t need to build a dedicated machine to act as the server. You can install the server-side part on your PC and use that just fine. Just follow the video on your local machine and it’ll work just fine. The nginx part doesn’t have a lot of overhead. In OBS you then just connect to localhost (as they did iirc) as the second source, add your monitor capture as the first source.
Of course capture cards are possible but… meh, why so complicated.
Thank you! This is a solution I was looking for. I thought I’d be able to do something like this, I’ll try it out and update this thread on how it goes
For ease of use make sure to give your PC a static IP and/or a hostname in your local network so that your girlfriend doesn’t need to adjust the stream target every time you want to stream together