Strange Passmark Score

Hi guys just finished f=putting my pc togeather and my mates told me to run passmark.

I am running

AMD8350, Asus R9 290, 8gig G.Skill ram

I got a score of just under 3000.

My mates are running

i7 3770, GTX 660, 16gig ram.

he got a score of over 4000

My other mate who is running a i5 not the latest one, GTX 660, 8 gig

beat me with mid 3000 score.


Why is this? Does passmark favor Intel CPU's?

Mwa ha ha ha!

had to dial the cpu back down a bit (weather is getting hotter) to 4.5 for a 24/7 overclock but other than that..

my disk score is crazy high due to using 12gb as a ram cache (primocache software)

So i take it I need to buy the sabertooth motherboard to get my cpu to put out a score like that?

my GPU is really lacking at the 2D portion of the test.

do you know any reason why that would be?

Thats the overall score.


It is not so much about going haha mine is better im just confused as to why theirs is so much better with what should be a much weaker GPU

I wouldn't put too much stock into synthetics. Worry about the games that you actually play. Big dick contests are kind of stupid imo.

passmark is pretty fair, perhaps you have something throttling 

I agree completely however I would've thought that my PC would have beaten them.

From what I can tell I think it is their SSD, I have a more standard HDD and that is where they are mainly getting massive gains on me.

What kind of GPU cooler do you have? what are your GPU settings? your 2D mark is noticeably higher then mine

Look at the individual scores and not the overall. It is possible that it is just the SSD that is making the difference, but it is possible that there is a problem somewhere else in the chain. Maybe your ram isn't doing too well. Maybe your gpu is bottlenecking. Maybe there is one section where he beats you a lot and it makes the overall score go way high. Look through it and see what you come up with.

Well, how do you do in games compared to this friend of yours? Is it a similar story to the passmark deal or is in more what one would expect with the specs (290 vs 660)?

passmark is not acurate. ive seen benchmarks where an r7 250 beats a 260 in the same rig. its all bullshit.

My graphics card is the saphire tri-x r9 290 (stock overclock with no tweaking), ssd is just an ocz agility 3

i use passmark as a means of diagnosis rather than just for willy waving contents (although that is fun too).

It has helped me to spot problems quite a few times.

the best use of it is for like for like comparisons of hardware on the passmark website (e.g seeing what other 8350's typically score), once you know what the average range is that your piece of hardware (cpu, gpu, ssd etc) falls within you can tell quite easily if something isnt performing as it should.

When i build pc's for other people I always run a set of synthetics (passmark being one of them) first to see that the machine I am handing them is performing within acceptable parameters across all the components.

I judge it to be an extremely fair testing method from my experience.