Strange HDD Behaviour

Hey all.

I just added a #5 HDD to my system, which should have brought my total storage up to almost 2TB. So I hook it up, close the case, boot up to UEFI and all looks good, my motherboard can "see" everything I've got hooked up to my now maxed-out 6 SATA ports.

.... And then I boot into Windows, which has no idea what's going on and decides to class my new drive as not one, but two, removable zero-storage drives.

WTF, mate?

I've not encountered this particular behaviour before. I doublechecked my connections (even though the UEFI saw the drive correctly) and then I tried checking for new drivers, but it's unchanged.

Any suggestions?

EDIT: They don't show up in explorer, only in Windows' Disk Management utility, where I have no control over the drive for some reason. The utility also reports "no media", as in, no space to format or clean or otherwise manipulate.

Run diskpart/disk management and just clean/format the entire thing?

I'm sorry, I clearly left out crucial info.

Then live dangerously and play with diskpart or boot up GParted.

EDIT: if none of the above works, plug it into another computer, if that doesn't work, RMA.

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Linux - gparted - will sort your issues.

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Thanks, both of you, I'll give those options a shot.

Sadly, RMA is not an option. This is a drive that I bought in an external years and years ago, and the enclosure became damaged (in a manner I'm fairly certain wouldn't have affected the drive) in the time since.