Stopped Mining....Scared

Hey guys, i was starting to mine about a month ago, and stopped after a  day or so only because i got scared. 

I got scared that the CPU was going to blow something because it was using 1 full core and maxing out another core on my Quad 4.2 AMD. I stopped and have been wanting to get back into it, but i dont want to blow anything in my computer. The temp's were at 49 degrees celcus and i just want to know what is the normal usage on a computer on GPU/CPU?

So if you just tick one of the CPU affinity boxes, only one core will be used. That core will normally run at about 80-90% when mining. If your temps are at 49C then you are well and truly safe. They would still probably be safe in the low 60's. I'd try keep it around 50 and you'll be all sweet

As for GPU, it runs at full load. But if you have adequate cooling it will be fine. Use msi afterburner or some equivalent to check the temps. Anything below 75 is completely safe and under 80 is usually fine. Unless you know what you are doing, i wouldnt push past there really.

Hope that clears everything up but feel free to ask if you are still concerned

49 is just fine. get worried aroung 80.

^lol no, not for CPU. He's talking about maxing out his CPU. Fpr GPU, yeah up to 80 is fine but you dont really want to push a CPU to 60.

Thanks guys, i am more worried about the max'd out cores than the temps... all help is appreciated! 


the load doesn't matter apart from the temps. Temps are the only thing that will kill your stuff.

Thanks Tankata.... now the guiminer hates my screen :P

Haha, you talking about the texture glitching on the aero borders and the taskbar and stuff?

As far as i can tell, there's no fix, not that it really mattters though :)

no no it was the pco file in the %appdata% that made it not show on the screen


BTW the click to make a worker button on the page is uber slow or has stopped working. i figure we switched from teksynd_EuroDriver to Teksyndicate_Euro_Driver?


o lol. Yeah, that thing is a bit annoying but easy to fix, so i dont really mind.

it shouldnt be uber slow. It might take a couple of seconds if there is heaps of traffic but still shouldnt be that bad. And yeah, the new system uses teksyndicate instead of teksyn at the start and includes the underscores and numbers in your name.

CPU max temps differ. The 3rd gen core processors can go up to about 105C absolute max, but for most AMD cpu's the max is about 60C