Stop supporting game devs/brands

Ever since TB's (TotalBiscuit) call out on Sega on Youtube on copyrights infringement, I haven't bought any games from them since. Even thought I'm tempted to try out Rome II. Also every since the horrible release of Diablo 3, I've been boycotting their games.  Considering the most vocal user-base are basically people who got the game free from their annual wow subscription.  Just look how they dumbed down wow over the years only a few casuals are playing it now. Every hardcore player I knew 6+ years ago is playing LoL right now. Then there's Simcity ficaso, the free game was pretty good deal, but really why couldn't they just update the graphics for simcity 3000 or 4000 it'll sell? NFS series also took a hit with NFS Rivals. Considering how many people believed there was gonna be DLS and patches to fix NFS: MW (2012). Everybody who played NFS series knew Rivals just a reskin of Hot Pursuit (2010). Same deal with Battlefield 4, everybody hoping for expansion packs and they already announcing next game Hardline.

Come around 2014, we have the same shit happen with Watch Dogs. Maybe I'm just too old for games. The standards just keep going lower and lower nowadays.


Boycotting & Reasons

Sega: YT DCMA, Rome II

-Ubisoft : Unity/Watch Dogs

-EA: BF3/4, Simcity, Titanfall

-Blizzard: Titan, SC2, Diablo 3

One final note is Starcraft 2 still doesn't support SLI/Crossfire or optimize code for more than 4 cores. HotS doesn't even support anything higher than dual core as always like in diablo 3, where the forum even said Alpha 2-3 months after release, "It's in Alpha".

Please feel free to comment or remark/rebuke etc...


Really it boils down to stop pre ordering shit. Wait for reviews both informal and professional. And base your purchasing from if the game is good and it runs well not hype.

Don't buy day one DLC force them to release expansions not "Horse Armor". 

Don't buy yearly releases since rushing a product will always make it inferior. Also shutting down servers to force customersto buy  next year's game is bullshit. 

If a product isn't as advertised return the game that includes broken servers and always on DRM that is not working.

Stop paying to be a beta tester via early access and Kickstarter. If you do kickstart a project demand a playable demo. If a dev came to a publisher without a demo they would be laughed out of the meeting.

Stop being shills.

You should add Nintendo to the list for their DMCA takedown shit. Worse than Sega's. 

Technically the problem with Nintendo lies with Nintendo of Japan whose heads are pretty much as old guard as they come (similar to the record companies here), but at least Nintendo doesn't actually issue takedowns they just nick your ad revenue. Sega Is the one that issues takedowns. I hope that Nintendo's management changes or Nintendo of A can convince the parent company that YouTube is a good thing.

Well , I own rome 2 , and DLC is BS , it's everywhere , gore dlc , armor dlc , other states DLC , f*cking irritating , I payed the 26€ to play , now let me play ffs !


Not going back to sega , although I liked CoH 1

How come many mario flash games till up? Guess they don't know about it? &

I don't preorder games because it's nurturing the mindset that inefficient and buggy code is acceptable, as long as you eventually patch the game at some point through it's "limited" lifespan (I just mean before the next sequel comes out... I'm looking at you BF4). At least it seems like games are buggier than normal as years go on. I have no hard data to back this up... it could just be I'm noticing more - or it's getting more attention around the interwebs now than before. In my head I picture a graph showing the rise in popularity of preorder, and the buggyness of a game both increasing almost in tandem. 

I also don't like the idea of day one DLC. If it's going to be ready at launch then it should be Included in the game. DLC in general.. I dunno... game prices haven't really increased over the years. Factor in inflation and games should cost much more. People wouldn't be happy if all games just increased in price ~$20. However, chunk up some of the game into DLC, and charge them 10, 20.. $30 for it... that's a little more palatable for the gaming population as a whole.

Just my $0.02. I've been known to flip-flop with my opinions on this matter.... take that for what it's worth.

I never bought/played any of the following games regardless what the philosophy of their companies is.

Skyrim, Rome, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed, Simcity, Diablo 3, BF4, BF Hardline, Far Cry 3, LoL, Borderlands, TitanFall, FIFA, GTA V

Fuck me right....

Although I did play 2 Call of Duty games and I have Battlefield 3 with no extra DLC.

Now they take the ad revenue. They were for a time just taking them down and threatening lawsuits.