Stock v.s 5 yr old Zalman Heatsink?

Here's a general question that's on my mind at the moment: Would a 5 year old Zalman heat-sink be better than a modern stock one that Intel supply? I was thinking I would use it until I can afford a corsair H55 closed loop water cooling unit. but if stock is better then I will just use that


That all depends on which cooler it is. I'm guessing it probably is better, but more info is needed.

And don't get that H55. It has horrible price to performance ratio, when compared to high end air coolers.

I always recommend the CM Hyper 212 Evo, great cooler for the $20 price tag.

I really want to get a liquid cooler and i have approx £60 to spend, any recommendations? i had a look at an NZXT one?

Try to find a cheap h80i/H100i. Since they've been replaced, it shouldn't be hard to find.