Just finished building my first pc and I was wondering if the stock amd 8350 cooler will be good enough if I don't overclock it, I'm running on an msi 970a-g43 mobo, will the stock cooler be fine or should I invest in a little bit better of a cooler?
Yikes, G43. If there is anyway you can still return it, do so. An 8350 will burn the mosfets up on that motherboard quickly. Other than that, the stock cooler will be good enough for stock clocks. It's not worth getting a different cooler really, especially considering that overclocking with that board could fry everything.
Oh man didn't know that this board was that bad haha but alright I will do what I can thanks much
You could try and put some heatsinks on the vrms your self. For the AMD 8 cores it is normally recommended that you get a 990fx motherboard, but a 970 with heatsinks can handle the 8 cores at stock clocks fine.