Steel Series Serbia V2

So there are two types of these, one that is connected through USB with its own sound card and another that plugs into a 3.5mm jack that obviously doesn't have its own sound card. So If I'm using on an board sound card  on a $50-$100 motherboard should I get the USB one? 

I've heard Logan say this headset is nice and that he will stand by it. 




I have used the steel series Siberia v2 with the regular 3.5mm jack. Those things are pretty awesome. I do have a asus xonar stx sound card in my pc though so that might have been part of it. The weird thing is that music through these sound nice as well, but believe me not as good as an actual decent pair of headphones. I'd recommend the 3.5mm jack ones just because you can use them for more than just your pc. Plus the regular ones are cheaper. Think about it and you'll know the answer to your question.

Really depends on how picky you are in sound, what type of motherboard you have. 

Like Dasa188 said, if you buy the 3.5mm jack version, it's cheaper, and you can plug it in your phone, tablet or whatever device you want to listen to music by. But if you have a crap motherboard, and you're not going to use it with anything other than your computer, than the one with the usb connector will be better