

Just wondering if Logan and Wendell would be so kind as to make some video tutorials for steamos. I'm reading some stuff in the steam forums but I can't figure it out. It seems like the people there assume everyone already knows everything about Linux.

Some of the things I'd like to know

How to install programs; VLC media player, uTorrent, a Flash player, etc.

How to install a 2nd HDD for storage

What's wine? Does that let you play windows games on steamos?

And anything else you guys can think of that might help people out


In the meantime read this

So Steam OS is based on Debian.

Debian is a distribution of Linux any guides for it will apply to Steam OS.

Wine is an Emulator for Windows programs which will allow some software to run. Go to Wine HQ to fine out what will run.

My biggest piece of advice is to set up a Virtual machine with Debianor. If you have a spare computer (like a Raspberry Pi) to run it there.

Steam OS is still very Beta so don't expect an out of the box experience. But learning Linux is always a good thing since so much stuff runs on it.

Thanks, man. Just scanned it real quick, seems like it will be helpful to me for sure. I'll look at it more when I'm at home. (out of the province away at work at the moment)

Ok. Thanks a bunch. I'm still hoping these guys do some videos covering steamos. As someone who's converted from console to pc, I've had to do a lot of reading, and this is definately something I'd prefer to be able to sit back and watch.

On a side note, if anyone from the Tek reads this, what are the odds of you guys making white t-shirts?