Steam seem to be unable to learn their lesson regarding Star Wars Battlefront 2

I purchased Battlefront 2 yesterday, mabye my favourite game as a child growing up on PS2. Downloaded it only to find out there are no keys. After looking on the steam forums I'm one of literally 4-5000 people in the same boat. The really bad thing is that after doing a bit more digging, it would seem the same thing has happened in nearly every sale for the last 4 years. Now I thought steam would be smart enough to demand more keys for a sale period from the publishers but apparently not... 

Could this be one of the stupidest things steam has managed to do?

So I take it you are one if the four? Considering this problem is only between 4 and five thousand I think their chances aren't to bad.

I purchased Battle Front 2 as well no problems for me.