Steam problem

I got a problem with steam logging,when I log in and open My Games list there is text : Scanning for Steam games updates ... I do not know what to do,it will not do anything ...

try deleting all of the files that end with a .blob in the steam directory, that really fixes about all of steams issues.

I reinstalled steam and it fixed it :D ... for now :D Thanx I ll try that later ;)

Thats what i have to do from time to time

Thats what i have to do from time to time

Thats what i have to do from time to time

Thats what i have to do from time to time

Thats what i have to do from time to time

holy shit quad post

Happened to me another problem,I was not able to log into my steam account because my Vista crap was still keeping it as not working,so I tried to delete all .blob files than tried to connect,some updates started and then I logged to my steam account :D tyvm guys RTW rules ;)