This looks very interesting to me. I don’t use discord, I don’t want more accounts in my life. But I already have steam. Who doesn’t?
What do you think?
Also, does anyone here have a discord account but not a steam account?
This looks very interesting to me. I don’t use discord, I don’t want more accounts in my life. But I already have steam. Who doesn’t?
What do you think?
Also, does anyone here have a discord account but not a steam account?
at first glance Steam as a service is more reliable than Discord as far as uptime goes, still watching. I dont like the wording of “group chat”. I like to just be able to have a link I can give people to join my server and not have 50 unnecessary steam friends
Oo there is a linking thing
Yeah its super discord-like, however, like he mentioned a significant amount of people have set up shop on discord and I myself pay for discord Nitro so I am unlikely to use this.
Used the old/ built in steam voice chat thing a while ago, and was pretty sub par- back then we went to teamspeak.
Used discord the other month, and it was much better.
Haven’t tried the new steam chat, so will give it a gander
What for?
Everyone I know uses Discord or TS.
Last time I used Steams built in voice, it was horrible to the point Skype would have worked better.
Why not integrate some other software? Why does every platform need their own everything? Blizzard put in something like this aswell (I don´t like it), now Steam, next will be Origin and Uplay… WHY?!
Because money? Providing complimentary services to keep the consumer with the company means they are more likely to use the other services provided by the company.
It’s not unlike Apple’s ecosystem or Microsoft pushing Xbox and PC gaming together.
For me personally it is interesting because steam is multi-platform and everyone is already there. I mean, how many games are there in b-net or Upay or whatever? And how many users? Yes, those are pretty big networks but even if you count all of them together, add discord and TS … and on the other side you have the giant that is steam.
I can totally see this as a move to become more of a social platform of some sort and that could also play into their way of thinking about curation.
My friends are lazy, can’t be bothered to sign up for discord.
@noenken @w.meri @Old_Snake
Replying to all three of you cause I am lazy that way.
This may be a very personal scenario, but most of the time I am hanging out with friends in Discord because we got our whole bunch of uni-friends there. We then transition from doing work and learning (which involves exchanging files) to playing games.
Steam transforming into a social platform. As of now, there is one group I am part of that does anything more then exist on steam. Still one more than the dead “lounges” on battleNet, but meh. Most use steam gets is to invite people into games, but Discord has some nice features to do that to (and does it better at times).
Would have preferd Steam and Discord integrating each other to them running in paralel… Feels redundant like Origin and Uplay…
Back when I was playing WoW I was constantly on a friends TS, same happened when I sunk my life into Diablo III. So I know where you are coming from with the “but all my buddies”-aspect.
File sharing is something that for sure won’t happen on Steam, so that is a thing that could hold it back for non gaming use.
Discord for my own experience has been getting rapidly worse lately. Audio quality dropping to robotic noise several times per night and taking 30 seconds or so to get back to normal.
There has all ready been talk amongst our group of moving wholesale to Steam if that is more stable. We like discord but it is getting harder to like.
At least for me, Steam has had more lag and worse quality. May change with the new system, but I doubt the reworked the backend.
Those problems on both services might even be very localized. In some places service A might be miles better and vice versa.
Hmmm. Interesting. I am using discord frequently because I fond a group of people to game with and we use VOIP extensively during game time and never experienced this problem even when the channel gets crowded (more than 30 people).
Could it be your connection or something else?
Not sure. But it happens to everyone in the room, only 4 people, at the exact same time and for the same duration. The connection indicator never drops but the room we are in just craps out.
I wonder if the tox protocol and it’s variety of cross-platform clients like qtox could play a role in these VOIP party’s.
Last time I tried tox some people couldn’t hear other people and other inconsistancies. I host my own mumble server for talking to friends. They all want to use Discord (which I refuse to use), so I’m hoping that when this change rolls out they’ll be willing to use a program that I don’t have the same problems with.
Out of interest, why?
It’s a shitty electron app that uses way too many resources, and I don’t like their privacy policy.
Discord has way better sound quality than steam chat. I play dayz ocassionaly with my nephew, and steam chat was buggy as hell. It kept dropping our conversations and glitching. Switched to discord, and it’s smoother than a safeway chicken.
I still use the steam web browser (shift-tab) and I defaulted it to a map of dayz for navigating. One thing I don’t like, of course, is the 1 extra account. I also don’t like that it installs with the default set to open discord every time I turn on my pc.
But if you consider that you might need a proper voice chat that works in all your games, 1 more account is probably going to happen anyway. And in the settings menu on discord you can uncheck the boxes to stop it from signing in at pc startup and even for putting it in the system tray. Now it only pops when I click the desktop icon.
Although it still has some development ahead, there is also the p2p gnome-ring (#ring @ freenode).
atm. with 5 minutes(prob. up to a week) DHT chat history for clients to catch up.
Fosdem vid. 2016: