What do you guys recommend getting that's on sale? I'm likely going to get Transistor (not technically part of the Halloween sale, but it's 50% off), the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. bundle, and possibly Amnesia TDD.
Overall I'm not finding much that really interests me. I think the Witcher is on sale though, like always.
insurgency, bioshock 2, i heard devil may cry 4 was good, fallout 3/new vegas, 7 days to die, witcher 2 (i didnt like it but most people do) , deadspace 2 was good. Evil within is on sale already lol (poor sales maybe?)
Of the games on sale, I would recommend Lone Survivor, State of Decay, The Swapper, Insurgency, Unholy Heights (there is a demo of this too), The Binding of Isaac, Pinball FX2 (core game is free, additional tables are DLC and many of these tables are just awesome), and Dead Space. These are just the ones that I have played and enjoyed.
I ended up buying both Blood:One unit whole and Blood II , Which are old school fps i played a while back. It required a bit of modding to get it to work smoothly but it's all good. Also i agree Don't Starve is a great game, i didn't buy it this sale as i already owned it.