Steam Game Update ETA

So has anybody come across a game or two that just takes a very long time to update ?

I just started an update on a game named Lamplight City and the ETA kept updating/refreshing, it finally ended up showing it would take OVER a year to update :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve had a few over the years that would do this to me. It’s basically a band with / connection issue either on your end / the server your connected to / isp having issues.

Give it a day and then retry the update as this is what usually worked for me.

Thanks for the feedback, however I’ve only seen it so far with this one game recently.

Could be I’ve seen it before but this game has been needing to update a few times in the past couple of weeks :wink:

And it finally updated, just found it funny that the ETA kept refreshing a longer and longer time.

I’ve had some odd download here and there on steam. I think it’s usually that the games aren’t downloaded often and don’t get cached on CDN or the caching process breaks.

Some other networking issues could occur as well. Like the provider having bad upload.

Interesting, well this same game got updated a couple of nights ago, it also gave me a Disk Write error message.

So I scanned the SSD and confirmed that no faults were detected.