Steam finally adds option to change game install location

I was just going to install a game on Steam today and instead of the usual I got this window.


Looks like Steam finally fixed one of the biggest problems I had with them.


I don't know if everyone has access to this as I tend to get in a lot of betas but even if not, it is coming. Soon.


Edit: Confirmed this is part of the new client beta, it also isn't available for all games either. 

Nice find, this was LONG overdue.

This tickles my fancy.

This makes me very happy indeed. 

Thank flying spaghetti monster!

They've had this quietly tucked away in the beta for short while now, discovered it a few weeks back when I did a clean install and rebuilt my raid array.

Thinking about breaking the raid an going back to single drives now.  Maybe when I have time.

That´s why my Steam is installed in my partition G for games. lol <.< All downloaded&installed games will be there anyways. Still good work and nice find. Thank you.


Yeah, I had to go raid.  At the time I only had 1TB for games and 2TB was way too expensive so I got another 1 TB, only got 780GB free out of that 2TB raid.  Yep I have tons of games and not all of them are installed.

Bloody steam sales.

Finally no more NTFS symbolic linking!

Agreed. What a pain in the urethra...

About 3/4ths of the games I've tried work in secondary library locations. Has anyone had a lot of trouble getting games to install where they want them to?

Yea, not all games have support for this and I have had some install issues, but I'm happy steam is finally working on this.