Steam Announced Family Sharing Options (Finally!)

There you go guys. Hype machine power, activate!

Gabe bless. Gabe be with you. Praise GabeN! =P

And now, start your plans as to whom you'd like to share your games. Oh yeah, options for parents to limit which games their children can play.

This seems to really tie in well with tehir whole SteamOS platform as a console killer. Well played, Gabe. =)

Nice one, this really strikes at steams limitations.

In my opinion this is even bigger news than the SteamOS. Great job!!! Will totally be using this function with my friends *khem family I meant ;)

Ive had this for a while. They let Everyone who signed up into the Beta months ago.

Ummm, why is this a big deal? Am I missing something?

This looks like just a way to limit content for little kids so that they get appropriate content when they fire up the steam machine. It doesn't mean your friends can play on your account at the same time.

This seems to be accurate. I don't know what the big deal is. Sure, it's useful, especially if you have a steam machine that small children play on, but it doesn't seem particularly amazing.

Agreed.I'm waiting for the option to share games between users who use the SAME computer. Or has that been out and i have missed it?

This is pretty crazy in my opinion. I just love this feature and I personally think it's very good for steam's customers. I waited a while for this :D now all i need is a steam controller.

Please explain why this is pretty crazy.

That is a part of this. Well, when using the beta there was an option for it.(If I remember correctly)

They don't allow you to play on the same account at the same time anymore? When did they lock down on this?

Yea i've had family sharing for months now, lol

You guys know that this is all or nothing, right? If someone is sharing from your library, you cant play ANYTHING until you kick them off.