Steam account hacked

Ok so a earlier today I just randomly logged out of steam I thought it was steam derping around but I came to find out my account got hacked. In the amail adress I use for the account it had a Password conformation chnage a Email change and a securuity question change email with the verifacation codes and they had already been veiwed and entered. So I sent a message to steam support asking to remove the PayPal on it and help me get it back does anyone know how long it usally takes for them to reply back? Is there anything I can do while I wait on them to reply? I had a decent amount of games purchased and a few good items in TF2. About 10 minutes later the emails from steam had been deleted along with the email about trying to change my PayPal password and Ebay username reminder. I have not tried to change my PayPal password and it worry's me someone is going to buy stuff with the card (There is a total of $80 on it). Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm more of pissed than anything.


You could just change all of the passwords back, And change your emails password and security answers. Would be faster and more secure.

It requires email comformation and they changed the email to something I don't know.

call your bank and ask them to freeze the account, all the input i can make