Steam 0Bytes per second

When ever i download a game on my WD Black drive (in this case Code Name Cure) it goes for like 15 seconds the nstops and says 0 bytes, please help. I tried switching regions, and dont know what to do.

If you open up resource monitor does it show disk activity?

whats resource monitor?

hit the windows key and type it in and press enter.

should i look at resource monitor while downloading it.


what should i look for.

If you are looking at the overview tab, and steam is sitting at 0bytes look to see if DISK has a large number running and % active time is near 100%

its at 100 essentially

Okay if it is then steam is waiting for it to finish writing data to download more. usually this happens with updates, not so much when newly installing a game but. who knows. if you click on the disk tab and organize by write what is the top process?

im a 13 child and i hate when computers do this. Its why i like playing ps4

i hope this helps. what do i do now

okay and if you look at file field does it say like D or C:\Steam\Steamapps\other words here.

it says that yes

will you help me?

im not being mean or sarcastic but im just scared

Okay then You probably just have a slow drive and its waiting as it writes the information it downloaded. just let it run for some time and see if it starts downloading again.

its a wd black so it shouldnt be slow

It's possible other things are trying to scan files as steam writes them making it take longer i to have a WD black. but my main system drive is on an ssd. so there is very little writing to my WD Black except for steam at the time of my last screen shot.

will u help me if it still does this.

There is not much I can do, as long as you continue to see those steam files like in my screen shot it is doing stuff, it just might take some time to finish.

I have my download server set to US-Denver, but I am in Wisconsin so that might not be best for you. but if the drive is at 100% or even like 80% highest active time, that is why steam is not downloading more and will just need more time.