Status Audio Open and Closed Back: Studio Headphones - Good for the Money? | Tek Syndicate

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I do want Oakly Sunglasses too

Was looking for headphones a couple of weeks ago.... kinda wished I knew about these and gotten them over the ATH M40X.

Send the ATH M40X back!

Logan how is the Closed back of these for sound leakage? Since I need closed back headphones and the M40X leak a fair bit for my liking?

CB-1 vs T50RP–V3 Which is the most comfortable ?

Couple of guys already commented in the YT comments but..

...they're a new company out from Brooklyn, making these in China but designing them there so let us know what you think...

SM-CB1 = Somic MM163 (now discontinued)
SM-OB1 = Somic MH463

Headphones are over-priced, over-marketed, and too often under-deliver.

So take an old existing product from chinese company, swap the pads, throw in nicer packaging and charge more for them.
Oh wait...

What "design" went to the these other than swapping the pads which you can hardly call "design" anyways.. The box?

the art or action of conceiving of and producing a plan or drawing of something before it is made.


Damn, too bad they aren't available here. The open-back ones would complement my M40x, especially for that price.

They sound really good for the 80$ price tag.

And YES! I want more Audio Vids.

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The CB-1 look great!
And they have a nice empty ring on them for a logo/sticker (Tek Syndicate Edition anyone?)
I do wonder where to buy them in EU? :|

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These seem very interesting. I wonder how the OB stacks against the superlux hd 668B. They both seem to be really good for the budget.

You guys can't even do a research before you buy them ? Cause logan said they are good ? lol What is he ? the audiophile god ?
This are cheap chinese headphones... made by Somic
Status Audio simply went to the factory catalog and choose a headphone that's all, and they want 80$ for rebranded heaphones ? lol no way :0 You can find better headphones for HALF the price !

You didn't actually prove anything, show the model.

Also you made an account just for this? Interesting.

It's called OEM and it happens ALL the time. Many of your favorite brands do this. The HyperX Cloud is a re-brand of the Takstar and they borrow from others... Did anyone complain? It's good business to bring these to the USA because they are very good for the money.

In fact, these headphones sound amazing for the money. I'm not sure if they sound better than the Superlux, but they are up there and a lot more comfortable without mods. I also did not have any issues with the build quality (again, for the money). They made some changes to the originals (so they tell me, I don't have the Somic headphones here). So, they are re-branded and they sound good. I 100% stand by my assessment. You can save a few $ and get the ones from China if you want... or you can get the Status Audio version. I don't care, they sound great. I would take these over the cheaper Audio Technica and I'd take the closed back units over the ATH-M50x.


Too lazy to press a link huh ? ...
Somic v1

Somic v2

Wow guess what same headphones same specs how come ? :D

@Logan u didn't even know that kingston are rebranded takstars u thought that they wer qpad rebrands until i mentioned it on the yt comments :D

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No I am at work and don't have time to investigate.


I definitely would like to see more audio videos. It is nice to have a variety of topics from your content.

Something you could take a look at are the HP-2s from RBH Sound. There was a bit of hype over them because they use beryllium coated drivers, but there aren't many reviews on them yet.

I have a set and I think they sound great.

Headphone videos?


Speakers are old technology. OEM is a common practice as far as I know. It boils down to what performance for the price that you want. From what I understand companies won't 'reinvent the wheel' unless they can not find specifically what they need from OEM catalogues.