I built my pc quite some time ago thanks to the kill your console videos, but I'm finally getting in to pc gaming after all of my console friends moved to the xbone/ps4. I've yet to really find my niche on pc, but I'm really looking forward to playing games like the DayZ SA, Rust, Starbound, and probably some racing games since I've got a logitech wheel. My steamid is LukeDonaldFan.
I won't be playing until early next week most likely. I ordered a 770 and sold my 7770, but the delivery of my 770 got delayed, so I'm now left with no gpu. Fun stuff.
The integrated graphics on intel are surprisingly good (just enough for games from 2010 and older). You should try some classic singleplayer games, cause the popular multiplayer games right now are on consoles as well (bf3/bf4 is the same damn thing only better graphics, cod is dead). League of legends and dota 2 can also run on anything and they're pc exclusive.
You can come on my TeamSpeak 3 server if you want, there's usually at least one person there. Everyone that comes in I know irl and they are all pretty chill.
I've got an fx-6300, so my computer is literally a paperweight right now, haha. I'm just using my laptop until my stuff comes in. I've considered trying to get in to league/dota, but they seem a little too competitive for me. At the moment I just enjoy hopping on games and messing around.
Not really sure how do describe myself without sounding egotistical. I try to be pretty nice to everyone unless they say or do something stupid. I like science. I'm not religious. I'd be happy to answer questions about me if anyone has any, but I don't like just talking about myself. I'm 17 though, last year of high school.
I tried connecting but the connection timed out. I 'll try again later! Currently "The server at decryptzor.typefrag.com is taking too long to respond" Thank you for letting me on your server!
Anyone here is free to add me, I have friends that I do already play with, but I'm looking for some new people to talk to. I'm 16 and I'm pretty mature, however I do like to screw around from time to time. I play a lot of CS:GO, Battlefield 4- Which I'm really looking for people to play with, and some other games.
hay man ill play bf4 with you i have rust and thinking about getting dayz im still building my pc but when i finish i can play im 13 turn 14 in april my stea name is vinny290 or v67tarrant