I am doing a dual setup up, for now I am gaming in windows (laptop) and doing everything else in pop os. At least for now that is the plan. I am using synergy to connect windows to my pop os host. Once I get a second GPU I will be planning on doing a hardware vm with windows on one gpu and pop os on the other. For now I am getting my toes wet and will see if it works out like I am hoping.
In the mean time what would you suggest I do to get transcoding in pop os? Something to monitor my thermals as well?
Handbrake works for me whenever I need transcoding video. You should be able to find that in the software browser simply. Or just use pure ffmpeg, through a terminal.
For thermals use lm_sensors. If you’re using GNOME as the DE, there are plugins that use it and integrate to the GNOME shell well. That’s mostly for CPU only. For GPU’s I’m not really aware of a nice cross-vendor solution, maybe someone will chime in with that. Usually it’s separate applications for different vendors.