Starting game in UDK

I'm about to finish my first year in college and the first year I've been exposed to c++. I did Imperative programming the first semester and OOP in the second semester. I'm gonna do my exams in a month and will start helping a friend with his game. He will do the 3d modelling, music and me and another guy will do the programming.

I was wondering if anyone has used the UDK engine and what should i start looking at in regards of Libraries and things i should know before i start. I know i am going to run into a bunch of problems that will be more specific but i just want something to get me started on the right track. I already told my friend that this is probably a bit too ambitious for me but he says that he doesn't mind going slow and i appreciate it, this will probably be a great learning experience.

I appreciate the help. 

All of my experience with UDK is before UDK 4. A lot of it was needlessly complicated in a few ways. But they do have video tutorials and documentation on it. As far as UI usage, I haven't got a clue as to how it works. But I'm sure it has changed drastically with the release of UDK 4. 

Thanks Devon, I'll start the tutorials on my spare time and hopefully i'll be somewhat prepared by the time we start.

This is what i needed. 

i am personally fond of both cry and unity and prefer them to udk. unity is really nice since it uses standard languages(C#, js, boo). cryengine uses lua. udk uses a proprietary language which will only help you if you continue to work with udk. just my two cents on it. yes unreal look good, but so does cry. unity doesn't look terrible either imo.

Unity 5 will be on par with UDK but there are some jobs that will require UDK experience regardless.

Alright, after a "meeting" with the guy i'm making the game with we are going to use gamemaker xD. I'll leave the post up for the useful links provided by Devon. 

I am so relieved. I'll pick up gamemaker much faster i suppose. Thanks for the help anyway. I dont know what he was thinking, trying to make a 2d game in udk. Anyway, if i am ever going to make a 3d game i think i would go the unity route. Just seems the best for small teams. 

oh see that was a critical detail you failed to mention was that it was 2D. that is major!

The thing is the friend i am working with is learning blender so he just supposed we had to use udk or cryengine. But we will figure out along the way how to turn 3d models into 2d for gamemaker. Thanks for the input though.