Ive finally got my money together and im ready to start building. Im looking for a $400-$500 build based on the 6800k apu. Im always open suggestions. Im super stoked to start building. If you guys have a pcpartspicker link post it (its helps me out a bit) i could start building tomorrow ( im that hype) I have an OS already (win 7) and if anyone has suggestion in what games to start with (since im making a leap from consoles) that would be fantastic. Thanks and I appreciate the help.
That would be a little rocket :) providing you dont need things like a monitor/keyboard/mouse aswell in that budget.
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1iuIz , includes cheap keyboard and mouse + screen
use promo codes and free shipping when available, newegg's kinda glitchy at the time of post so it tells the Real price when its in the cart
6300 and 7790 are WAY faster than any APU
Gunna have to overclock to get the RAM to run at 1866 along with the Rosewill PSU, i know i wouldnt be happy with that.