StarCitizen with Oculus build

Well let me first start of with my parts list that I have come up with.

Case: Fractal Define R5

MOBO: Asus Z97-A

CPU: Core i5-4960K Devil's Canyon

GPU: EVGA GTX 970 Superclocked 4GB

RAM: Corsair Vengeance 16GB

PSU: Corsair HX 750W 80 Plus Gold Modular

SSD: Samsung 840 Evo 250GB

HDD: WD Black 2TB

My budget for this build will be up to around $1500. It will be mainly used for gaming, programming, and as a host machine for Linux in VM Workstation (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Kali, often at the same time). I would like to be able to run StarCitizen at respectable settings and be pushing to an Oculus with good frame rates. I also currently play a lot of Arma 3 and Elite Dangerous and would like to run those with the Oculus as well. My current laptop (GTX 680m) is capable of playing those two on high settings but, I can tell it is at its limits in some areas and it flat-out cannot run StarCitizen the way I want it to. I do not plan on buying the Oculus dev kit unless the commercial release gets pushed further than the speculated release of mid 2015 and therefore cannot tell what the resolution of the Oculus will be at that point. The system will be primarily used in 1920 x 1080 until I get myself another monitor, which at that point I will be pushing to both 1920 x 1080 and some other, likely higher, resolution. Will this system be capable enough for StarCitizen in the Oculus or should I just get the 980? Possibly 970's in SLI? 980's in SLI would push me out of my budget. Also is there anything in my list of hardware that could be too excessive for my needs and could save some money on without sacrificing much performance for my needs? e.g. RAM, PSU, CPU, SSD, etc. keeping note that I do prefer Intel and Nvidia at the moment. Some things that cannot be changed are the case, the amount of RAM, the size of the HDD. Also, I need an SSD because I have been using one for a couple of years now and I just cannot go back to not having one... I do plan to do some overclocking. Any constructive help is greatly appreciated!



I think it's a bit early to be building for Oculus + Star Citizen, as we have no clue what Oculus' final resolution is going to be.

As a general 1080p build though, it looks good.  Check to see if the Z97-A supports VT-D and any other vitualization extension you may need.

I agree that it is a bit early to be building for Oculus and StarCitizen specifically as they are both likely far off. However, it would be nice to play the game that I paid for, even if it is just arena commander and racing at the moment. Thanks for the advice on the virtualization features by the way. That is something I had overlooked and deserves further research.

Well the DK2 is 980x1080 and they have a higher res version in the works so I would build for  2x1440 monitors will full AA enable. 

When the screen is that close to your eye jaggies are very obvious. I have seen it.

If/when you get the rift you will want to add another 970 for smooth performance. But one should be fine for now.

I would spring for the 4790K if you need VT-d support for hardware pass through.

Thanks for your input. I have heard things about the screen door like effect that currently exists with even the higher res DK2 Oculus, so I am sure that they will likely bump the res up even higher for the consumer release. Again, thanks for the suggestion on the virtualization features which is something I will research further before purchasing compenents for my build.