Star Wars:

Can someone grab my jaw for me.... it's on the floor...... EA better not fuck it up.

If they fuck up I shall rally the troops, march to EA headquarters, and physically fuck every single person there

Calm down, Shag Happy.

Your dog avatar doesn't help. I can imagine you dry humping everyone's leg, down at EA HQ

it's EA guys. come on.

Stick to the plan, guys! Boycott EA! What were you all thinking?!?!

I cannot wait for this game. I grew up playing STBF (19 here) and as a huge fan of Star Wars this is really exciting for me but one flaw and that it is EA. Im glad though that DICE is behind it since they know how to make an FPS way better than Activision or Infinity Ward can.

Dice+EA= when the game comes out it will take 12mths before its even playable (fuck you dice fix bf4)


I definitely feel like it's a good thing it's being developed by DICE, but a bad thing it's being published by EA.

Also, which is better: Battlefront 1 or 2?

At this point, I would disagree. The older COD series is actually better than the latest Dice releases.

Mw1 > BF4. COD actually retains the basic pillars of an FPS experience, like hit detection.

Only filthy casuals buy into the levelution

I'd say Battlefront 1. I preferred the maps.

Although, you could redownload many of them in 2, and 2 had Jedis in addition. The space battles were a little underwhelming.

Something made the first game a little extra special. I can't quite put my finger on it.

I cant help it, thing is if I had money and if I didnt get arrested for doing it then I actually would

True but one thing that DICE doesn't do as bad as IF or Activision do is recycling.

haha! I agree with that, sir. It's not painfully obvious in BF, bar a few character models. I noticed they included many of the same buildings in the later COD series, which is massive recycling by comparison.

I very much agree with that. The second one dropped a lot of my favorite maps, such as Dune Sea, Cloud City (Did they drop both Bespin maps? I can't remember), and the Kashyyyk maps. Also I really dislike the design decision to ditch spaceships for land battles entirely. Also, I sort of dislike how Battlefront two introduced classes that were unlockable by obtaining points. And the award weapons were extremely overpowered (Like dear god, playing splitscreen on PS2 with my cousin was completely retarded since I could just kill everything with the award blaster rifle). A lot of the problems seem to get fixed by mods, which Battlefront 2 seems to have a much larger community.

Still, they were both better games than a lot of the shit that gets released now.

Bespin: Platforms was one of my favourites. Taking the bridges and establishing a foothold made me feel like Rambo. I believe you could download Cloud City in 2, but not Platforms.

I preferred the overall "darker" look of the first game. Rhen Var Citadel was another great map that didn't make it to the next game.

I loved platforms as well. Personally one of the most enjoyable activities in the first battlefront was to use mines to kill the "invincible" jedi by blowin them off the platform

Also, I loved both Rhen Var: Citadel and Harbor. I just completely forgot they existed. I really need to go back and play it sometime.

Its fair to say that this thread has hyped me up, im going to be really disappointed if DICE cock it up though, only time will tell

yes i did

I hope DICE doesn't make Battlefront a Star Wars-themed Battlefield.