Star Wars - The Last Jedi - Dec 15, 2017 [Spoilers]

Those types of Star Wars fans I tend to avoid. They are taking sci-fi far to seriously.

I leave you with this.

Jeez I wonder how George Lucas could have made a better film without all the CGI? He couldn’t have…

Being a Star Wars fan in this day and age is the hardest thing anyone can do.

Once episode 9 is out and done with. I am done… I dont want to be apart of this fandom anymore as it is no longer fun. Everyone has taken the fun out of it and Disney will milk this for all it is worth.

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That was so uncanny valley that it made uncanny valley canny.

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Its becoming a thing now where you have to suspend the laws of physics and watch a human toss a tank like there is no opposite force. You know like a bullet or a shotgun load can toss a man backwards off his feet while the shooter is fine.

Movies are becoming back to back CGI with a sprinkle of story for giggles. Dam I sound like an old grumpy man now :frowning:

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Second acts rarely make sense. They’re usually darker and more about character development in preparation for the final act - the third movie in the trilogy, than they are about pushing the plot forward. This movie managed to do both at once. But we still don’t know how it all ends, so I wouldn’t judge it so harshly until we see the entire thing.
After the trilogy is over TLJ could be seen as better than people initially thought. But it could also be seen as even worse :smiley:

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Watch Looper and put the role of Luke Skywalker in it and then watch The Last Jedi…

It is Looper with a Star Wars coat of paint.

If these new characters had any development whatsoever I would not be so mad at the fact of them killing them off. They did the same garbage with Rouge One and Battlefront 2 story mode. Introduce new characters only to kill them off in the end.

I rest my case.

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Right… because Star Wars never did this before?

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Because we got the prequels. There is a 30 year gap in the Star Wars canon now that has not been developed.

Everything is speculation now.

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Tarkin was introduced and killed in the same movie. Which, by the way, was simply called Star Wars at that point in time because it was the only one.

You are just making shit up.

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How am I making shit up? There was no canon before the original Star Wars? There is no substantial canon now thanks to Disney.

Tarkin was just introduced just as a bad guy not anyone else fault that he gained popularity. His story was told in the now defunct EU.

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How is that different from Snoke?

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Because Snoke was the main bad guy. Not a supporting bad guy.

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Rogue One was a self contained war movie set in Star Wars universe. You didn’t actually expect those characters to matter?

Snoke wasn’t that important. People just assumed that he was. He was never hyped in any promotional materials or trailers. He wasn’t given any particular attention in TFA. He was as generic as bad guys get. His entire purpose was to serve as plot device for Kylo Ren’s development. Besides, there’s going to be more movies. Some of them are probably going to be prequels to TFA.

Don’t forget Obi-Wan Kenobi. Just one of the most iconic characters in Star Wars. Nobody complains about it now because no one is insane enough to judge an entire saga based on what happens in only one movie.


That is where you are mistaken. Snoke founded the First Order and trained the Knights of Ren.

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Uhm, no. He isn’t. Objectively he is correct. Because the movies are pretty clear about that and as far as I know those define what is true. Not you.

You can say that you don’t like the story but you can not say the story is wrong. When a Star Wars movie comes out, it tells you “the story”. That is how that works.

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It was bait and switch. The story was told in The Force Awakens and everything got thrown out. I am not the only one who is pissed off about the story telling…


OK, that video is funny. Wrong, but funny. :stuck_out_tongue:

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@strykerzr350 finding it really hard to see what you’re actually upset about? anything specific? it just seems like a general all over the place rant because it wasn’t what you personally wanted to see. but not quite sure what you wanted to see…


I am pointing out the flaws of the movie entirely and stating that I am not the only one who felt the same way.

I was told that I was making stuff up and no one stated in any post what I made up. I did not add anything that was incorrect about the films. I was specifically calling out the poor writing of the film and the decisions made by Rian Johnson.

Then I was told again that I cannot say the story telling is wrong. When all the build up was just thrown out the window… Nothing was answered in this film.

This has nothing to do with what I personally wanted. This simply was a terrible movie.

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What was?

I agree btw there was some bad scenes, and things that seemed somewhat pointless or maybe better put, not well executed.

The casino world scene while giving some world building (arms dealers selling to both sides etc., showing a bit of the whole hope of the rebellion thing to slaves) seemed in the end almost un-needed, it didn’t actually provide anything to the overall plot of the movie. We already know that arms dealers sell to both sides, and the whole side plot for even going there had basically no effect on the outcome of the story except to introduce a new character. Something they probably could have better executed either in a different movie where the story would make sense to introduce them, or through a mini-episode before the movies release like what they did with Blade Runner 2049.

I also throught the “holy books” scene, specifically the dialogue by luke was poor writing, seemed like they just didn’t know how to put it across. The rest of the scene was good i think.

Not sure how the movie was terrible though.

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This movie has divided the Star Wars fans. Most think there was nothing wrong with this film while others like me are just completely let down.

I thought Jedi force ghost could only observe and not interact with the living force? Since Obi-Wan could not interfere in Lukes first battle with Vader. How did Yoda interfere with Luke by burning the holy text of the Jedi by helping him with a bolt of lightning?

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