Star Wars Cantina

Not particularly, but I’m disappointed.

They were really stunning from a cinematography perspective, but the stories had more plot holes than a chain link fence.

This is valid, and something I forgot about. Of course, I blamed J.J. Abrams and made nightly sacrifices to curse his family line.

I really wanted Darth Bane movies/anime/T.V. shows. Fuck, Revan too.

Thanks. Now I’m upset.

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I am waiting till I see it to make any judgements, although it will never be as good as the episodes currently out since it is using the Disney stories lines.

So much this for 7+8+Solo, although Rogue One was actually ok in the story department IMO.

YES!! I don’t know where to even begin on who in the EU to have a movie/anime/T.V. show on.

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I’d give it a 7/10, maybe.

Gary Sue. See? Rey isn’t the only one. It’s just poor character development because they hired a lobotomised writing team.

It’s just pandering.

You’re joking, right? Rogue One had no story. They took it for granted that a story was baked in and did nothing to bring it to life.

Agreed, Rogue One suckedballz. Anyone with half a brain new that it was only going to have less than a minute of Vader screen time. Did he even talk? Rebels was better.

Never saw Solo even though it’s free on netflick.

JJ dId good with Force, but Johnson obliterated it with TLJ. No coming back from that.

What are the odds the Falcon gets destroyed in the upcoming movie? I would say 90 percent chance it will. Either Lando or Chewie will die or both die in the explosion.

Kylo Ren probably wont get redeemed, Palpatine is probably overhyped, and will have as much screen time as Vader did in Rouge One, or it could be a force vision or something.

It would be funny if Luke became a physical being again through the movie. But I don’t see that.

I would also like to see Coruscant in this film. I thought by the building shapes in TFA that they destroyed it. But was proven wrong.

It made little sense that The First Order didnt have a fall back base, instead they had a flying city.

I hope the whole Snoke thing is resolved or something.

I dont understand the point of the second Death Star. I didnt understand it in the concepts for TFA.

Why hasn’t Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wann, or Anakin in that matter made any appearances? Yoda was brought back, why not them? Luke could have really used his father’s guidance on Achtoo, during his self exile.

I feel they should at least make one more film. As a lot has not been explained in a matter of 30 years since the battle of Endor.

Lore masters and writers has been exceptionally lazy with Star Wars this time around.

Oh, I thought the Vader fanservice was insulting. Rebels was disappointing. I never even finished it. Got through to mid-season 3 and then just stopped.

I wouldn’t pay a dime to see Solo, so I waited till it was on Netflix. It’s the least worst of Disney Star Wars…so far, and that’s not saying much.

Are you kidding? JJ Abrams killed the goose that laid the golden egg and Rian Johnson ate and defecated it.


Disney stealing more fan art…

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