Star Wars Battlefront

Everyone aboard the hype train! It's a long ride until spring 2015!

If EA and Dice fuck this up I'm going to be very, very angry.

Seriously though, I've been waiting for a new Battlefront title for at least 5 years now.

Its so pretty...  As long as they put it stellar mechanics, that made the first two great, it looks like this is shaping up to be a great game.

For some reason I'm just not hyped for it. I loved playing Battlefront 2 because of all the massive and insane community maps and mods. I loved playing the Kotor era on the Conversion Pack. Boras II is probably one of my favorite community maps of all time. But this is running on the frostbite engine and being developed by DICE. Not that there is any problem with that. Just I once again don't see them supporting mods. And because of that I'll probably just pick it up in a Origin sale or my soon to arrive PS4 for $15, $20.

It seems like the most of the game developers are getting tired of making war games like COD and Battlefield. Hopefully this is something new that they will want to do good on.

Loved Battlefront, but apparently there are some inherent problems with Frostbite. I do not have high hopes.

Well.............that was nothing??????? EA already tanked a good game. Why would you expect them to do any better with this.

I think I might have to buy this game when it comes out . But if they screw this one up, I might have to shove a live octopus down a EA fan boy's pants!

I have been hyped for Battlefront 3 for years, but with EA taking a shit on it...I dunno. I just don't trust them anymore. If EA screws up this game, something is going to have to happen. Im getting tired of EA's bullshit.

I'm sure hyped for the game. But I'm not hyped on the DLC. And you know they're going to rape us with DLC..  Imagine you want to play on Tatooine. That's going be $5 or something ridiculous. It's EA and DICE, and Star Wars is probably the best platform there could be for DLC. Of course this is just all speculation but something like this wouldn't surprise me. I miss expansion packs...

At least they're taking their time with it and not pushing it out like a typical annual game. I hear the release will be sometime in 2016, which will be plenty of time not to mess things up . . . hopefully.

I'm optimistic about this game, but definitely afraid of EA's ability to ruin even the greatest franchises. For almost a decade I've been hopeful for KOTOR 3, but after seeing the games Bioware has released over the past few years I'm not sure I want them to develop it. I can't get the bad taste of Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age 2, or SWTOR out of my mouth. They're different developers I know, but I attribute Bioware's slide to EA's influence.

Exactly, the days of shooter games with player created content are dead. All we have left are a handfull of shooter games and the counter-strike games. To compound this the game is an EA game....... Incoming $15 map packs for 5 maps you could download in 15 seconds for free in other games years ago.

Rising Storm is a shooter with player created content, and it's a good game. Wish more people knew of it!

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i have to say.. i LOVE star wars. did you see those graphics?!?!?! i can't wait. from what i have seen with Battlefront 1 and 2, haven't they done every major battle? wonder how they will make this different. think they will give it a full 1st person option?

i just hope that what we saw in those brief gameplay scenes is something that can actually be achieved with the PC... and not some 'DEMO marketing' crap.

also, i love how the explosions LOOK like they did in JEdi. like, they look like movie pyrotechnics! 

Knowing EA's history.... i hope they don't fuck up the masterpiece that was battlefront. they have released some bad games lately. and if its a console exclusive their servers will die from someone hacking into them and getting the source code. 

DICE said you need to use the force to get it to work on day 1 lolzzz

It's funny, just the other day I was talking to my friend how I was hoping a new Battlefront would come out. He informed me "some group was working on one" but he didn't really have the details, but I got pretty excited.

Then I saw this...EA and DICE? Well my hopes were dashed. I'm honestly surprised people still support using Origin or for that matter any EA developed game. Their horrible business practices, the fact they refuse to release their games on steam, and some other issues that arose with my very own Origins account result in me 100% boycotting EA and EA products. None of their games are SOO outstanding that I feel like I am missing out on something really good. I kind of wish more people would put their foot down and say "enough is enough" and do the same, but I know not everyone shares the same opinion on the games they publish. I know my friend I mentioned previously is in love with the Mass Effect series - and the only way to get the third in that franchise is through Origins.

this post reminds me of a classmate who feels the same way about steam. he won't get steam, so his modern library is limited.

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Oh I have one of those sickening senses that EA are going to fuck this up badly.

I really hope this is as good as the old games and as good as they are showing off. It would be so amazing I would really like to see a new one. I just hope they don't get caught up in balancing and the almost inevitable EA DLC. 

Any word if EA are going to make this always online? Will they actually have stable servers?

Anybody want to play some Battlefront II later on, after I get home from work?