anyone else planing to play the game? should we form a guild? really looking forward to this graphics card melting space sim. thinking about buying another ship but jesus, i wana know how long it would take to purchase the ship in game vs just buying it outright.
Definitely planning to jump into this game with both feet. Certainly wouldn't be opposed to the idea you've put forward...
I'm planning to start off with just the basic Aurora ship ($30 backer donation) and go from there. Friend of mine chipped in $250 for one of the big ships, but I prefer to start off small and work my way up in the world/universe. To me, that's half the fun. :)
I was going to be but I was out of a job at the time and short of money when the kickstarter was going on, got the M50 recently when someone sold it back to RSI, luckily for me it was LTI, hehehe.
As for my other ships, I'll talk to the citizens in the chatroll at some point and see if they'll help me out.
Contribution to fleet establishment? Length of time joined? Rank on the SC forums? (i.e Scout, Merc, Rear Admiral, Commander). Number of ships owned? Personal preference of anarekist? (due to being the one who started this whole shebang)
The ranking system would probably change when the game launches, including contribution to the Fleet(i.e. it's coffers), excellence in combat, strategists and just how useful their strategies are, etc.
I think this would be a good topic mull over and decide on as soon as possible, or if not asap at least have it brought to the front so we can work it out to be best system we can with as much time as we have.
I've never spaced sim but I am bored and will need a new game(tired of fantasy mmo) and figure I may give this a try just need to move some funds around..I haven't blown any money in months and months..I can be sure and noob it up(front line fodder)..I am really wanting a game that doesn't feel like work..
My bad for not knowing you sparked the idea, I tip my hat to you, sir. I of course still recognise that anarekist started the thread.
I can see where you're coming from with the "Need to Act" basis, I just think that it would be kinda cool to have maybe 4 or 5 people who can be referred to as the higher brass in the Fleet who didn't get their "rank" through the size of their ship, may as well rank according to SC forum ranks if you're gonna go with ship size.
There may be quite a few Real Admirals, if we do that (at least from what I've seen on the SC forums).
(Sort of off topic) To be honest I'm not a space sim vet. Last... "space sim" I ever played was SW: Tie Fighter, and that can hardly be called a space sim, if at all, hell I could hardly count the fingers on my hands at the time, but I still remember it as being a very fun experience. I'm just sick of all the corridor shooters, and MMORPG's that are still infected with WoWatitis. I'm throwing myself into this game because it looks really refreshing compared to all the games I usually play.