Star Citizen Organization

I went to create an organization in Star Citizen to find out someone else had already created a "Tek Syndicate"


Does anyone know who created this SC org?

Says that this guy TheBashert is primarch of the org.

Although you probably know all that... ~_~

That's a bummer, is there any way to appeal to grab the organization based on Terms and Conditions? I haven't looked at the SC T&C because it doesn't interest me at all to be honest, although a few days ago they announced that there would be a linux port, but I have to see it first before spending the large amounts of money on the game, because it's definitely going to be the most expensive game ever and I don't believe in promises of linux ports since seeing the way Valve itself deals with it (firing Rick Johnson, which brought linux ports of Valve games to a standstill, holding back CS:GO for linux to keep milking the e-sports scheme with that game, etc...).

Problem is that TS is not eligible as a registered trademark (generic terms), so legally it's pretty thin, but if you harass the SC people, you can probably do something about it.

It might have been Pawmaniac or someone, there was already a star citizen thread somewhere i'll try find it.


Nope not Paw he created this one.. 

TheBashert would probably just give you the leader of the Org if you ask..I mean it says right on the front page.."Who’s asking? This is at the moment unofficial an TEK Syndicate group, if no permission is given, will just make it my own I suppose"

He has been backing the game for awhile UEE CITIZEN RECORD #89515 Enlisted: Dec 1, 2012..

I mean it would not hurt to ask..

and if that doesn't work you can break out the brackets [Tek] Syndicate or something [Tek Syndicate]..