Stable Intel Overclock

I recently got a bomb ass computer , Good computer > everything else in life


And it has a newer asus motherboard which has built in overclocker SO I tried that for a while but everyonce in a while things would shit out and I would have to restart the system and undo the Overclock. 


I want to know how to overclock my system and it still be stable. Also some high and low voltages and other helpful things like that would be appreciated , I'm really knew to overclocking.

CPU: i7 3930k , with Watercooling


You can probably get like 4.2-4.5 ghz I would guess.

set a clock speed test with prime 95 and real temp for temps and if stable and cool enought increase till its unstable then increase the voltage a little and repeat untill you get what you want and decent temps.