I’m usually very thorough, but not sure why this time around I just didn’t check . You can also find this information on AMD’s product specification page (I think I linked it in one of my replies above).
I don’t know much about the APU vs CPU but I would just suspect it’s more the memory than the speed if it isn’t on the QVL. Even the 5950X only shows 3200MHz but plenty have used 3800MHz and beyond stable.
I’m a bit out of my depth so I’m not sure if the infinity fabric plays a role in the APU setup as well. I just know Zen 2/3 had some OC instabilities until the balancing act was solved (or at least that’s how I remember it).
Edit: Also I stumbled upon this where they appear to have used OC RAM with the APUs. Makes me suspicious if the iGPU needs to be near a 1:1 ratio like the DRAM and Infinity Fabric. AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G Renoir APU review - Test Results
APUs do have certain limitations, e.g. even though my MoBo supports PCIe 4.0, I’m limited to PCIe 3.0. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the memory clock is similarly limited. That said, I’m a noob when it comes to OCing, so I wouldn’t know what’s possible. Thanks for the article though, I’ll give it a thorough read, and maybe try this again after I understand it better
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