As the title says, connecting to the https variant of the site doesn't load properly in chrome. It works perfectly fine with firefox and opera. Not sure what the problem is.
heres a pic of it
As the title says, connecting to the https variant of the site doesn't load properly in chrome. It works perfectly fine with firefox and opera. Not sure what the problem is.
heres a pic of it
For some reason I cannot see that picture. I'm getting a 403 forbidden error, but I think your problem is the javascript on the site is not being loaded through HTTPS which is why the site looks completely broken on certain browsers.
Click on the silver shield on the upper right and allow the script to load.
I was planning on making a new thread for the SSLLabs test but they will probably see this thread.
enabling the script worked, but is there a way to enable it permanently?
No it doesn't work perfectly in firefox, there are major login issues, also using the ssl doesn't stay on, when you click links, it kicks you back to http unless you resend it with https header, which means that several links in Drupal include the http header instead of just the internal node link imo. Chrome sees the switch to non-SSL and just blocks the whole damn thing, firefox doesn't, but it's getting nowhere with a lot of links.
Also the SSL-functionality has not been announced to the EFF, so, even though they support the EFF, isn't on the EFF's https everywhere whitelist, which comes across as odd.
Also loginradius keeps giving a lot of crashes, next to the millions of css errors. It's not really an enjoyment to use the site on a full featured browser on a tablet, with all the errors and stuff, it's just really slow and times out often. I don't use loginradius, for obvious reasons I block it, and it shouldn't give me site login crap imo, it's bad enough I have to activate jquery when using a non-encrypted connection.
Blocking scripts should not inhibit the normal functioning of the site. I agree to whitelist the site on adblockplus, no problem, but it's kinda incompatible with having to enable scripts over a non-SSL connection, I don't want ad scripts to run. Maybe a change in user login system would be nice, one without activating scripts over an unsecured connection (as SSL won't work). It takes me freakin' forever to login to the site because of all the obstacles when I'm trying to keep the whole thing a bit secure.
When SSL works, it only encrypts partly, a lot of content is locked out of the encryption, it would be nice to have the whole thing in the secure socket (all except the ads, of course, that would be hard to accomplish).
Sorry for the chaotic post, I hope your future new Drupal site fixes everything.
If there are Drupal 7 problems, I might be able to help with the small issues or tenacious bugs, small things within the Free and Open Source Software community scope that goes along with using Drupal, sharing experience and stuff...