SSHD vs. SSD Caching

So I 'd like to know whether to buy a fancy SSHD (haven't decided on one yet) or to buy a Caviar Blue and cache it with a SanDisk Ready Cache SSD. This is based purely on speed, read as well as write. Thanks

They'll work quite similar like that.  SSHD is probably more cost effective.  Linus did a review a while back on NCIX about SSD vs Seagate SSHD vs HDD and 2.5" HDD.  The best performance comes from SSD but the difference is quite negligible.  I might pick up an SSHD later on because i get the caching performance from games like BF4 where loading is quite long.

I've installed BF3 on SSD before and the loads were almost cut in half because it can cache the level and then load to video card quicker.I rly wish the industry would come up with SATA 3.2 (M2 Raid Card equivalent speeds).  Maybe next gen boards, who knows.

SSHDs usually only have 8gb of cache, wherehas with SSD caching you could very easily have 128gb of cache space :)