I have installed arch linux on my raspberry pi and I am now trying to shh to the pi.
The problem that I am having is that it does not even ssh when I try to ssh to localhost
(ssh root@localhost)
I know I should not ssh into root and yes I did change sshd config file to allow root login via ssh. I do not get any error message or anything it simply does not connect at all. It does nothing , I have to shut it down by force.
I do not need root access and I will deactivate it. I did enable and start the sshd.service.
It is connected to a monitor and keyboard. So what I wanted to do is to login to my raspberry pi with my normal account and then try to ssh to root simply to see if ssh was working. I thought this is an initial test to check if ssh works. You login normally and ssh to a different account on the same machine to see if ssh itself works.