SSD: What is the difference between SATA II and SATA III?



I have just ordered my first SSD. It is a SamSung 470 64GB SATA II. It only cost me £41 witch is around $65 for you Americans. I had the option to get a SATA III for £47 but the SamSung came with Norton Ghost. I am only going to use it for installing Windows7/8 on. So would I have noticed much or if any difference between the 2?

depends, does your motherboard support SATA3?

Yes, but it really depends on the IOPS it has then if it has high enough that's when sata II/III starts affecting it

SATA 3 SSDs generally perform almost twice as fast as SATA 2 SSDs, so yes, you would notice a difference as long as your motherboard supports SATA 3 and as long as the SSD takes full advantage of the extra bandwidth.

What was the other SSD you were considering?

Aslong as it's a SATAIII port on the Intel controller, not the crappy Marvel controllers (late 1155 and 1366 boards have those )

The difference is that Sata 2 has less bandwidth. If the SSD can max the SATA 2 limit of 3Gb/s then having a Sata 3 (6Gb/s) connection is a lot better. My SSD was slower on my old mobo and its much better.