With the traditional optimizations that can be easily found on google, I decided how to make an ssd last even longer. With this optimization it takes into account that you have a hdd and or another ssd. Taking your primary ssd all you need to do is change your user directory entirely from your ssd to your alternate drive.
What I have come to do is with my primary ssd on hand and a secondary ssd (my old one from 4 years ago with about 15tb of writes to it, I created a junction between it and my main ssd.
What this does is offload/write the cache for most of the small writes that programs use. This is because most exist in your appdata directory. The other thing is this will protect you from accidental downloads with writes as the download directory would be off the main drive.
Main Drive = Samsung EVO 840 500gb [C]
Caching Drive = Corsair Force GT 120gb [H]
Primary Disk Drive = 1tb WD Black (Used for program backup logs) [F]
1. What I did was create two administrator accounts. One that would permanently remain on the ssd (mainly inactive; not what you use as your main log in). This is to allow you to move the directory without it having errors with having files being opened.
2. Before you open up cmd you gotta go to C:/Users/My Name and the cut it. From there navigate to the new directory on H. If it doesnt exist yet, create Users on the root or the specific path you want and paste your directory in the Users folder on the H drive.
3. Now navigate back to the C drive Users directory and make sure the one you want moved is gone. If it isnt finish cleaning it up by backing it up with your own preferred method and deleting.
4. Now open cmd as an administrator and enter
mklink /J "C:/Users/My Name" "H:/Users/My Name"
If all is done correctly it should say a symbolic link has been created and when you navigate to C:/Users you will see you directory as a link. For me I was going to use a HDD but figured I have 3 spare ssds just sitting around and they all are between 4 and 2 years of age. So I took my first being the corsair force. I figured wearing down a hdd is kind of lame when hdds are really for storage and using it would always risk losing the data. So I would suggest using a hdd separate from your main hdd for caching to protect your important stuff. Also remember to back it up.
This optimization has considerably helped reduce writes on my ssd. Albeit small writes, but constant nonetheless. Chrome stores so much different user data in appdata folder. Bookmarks, Recent History, Page Cache (changes it seems on every page refresh), Current Session storage, cookies, realtime phishing updates and stuff, all your extensions and their cache as well).
So all in all it looks to be in the upwards of gigabyte or more a day in writes via appdata (atleast for me).